This Privacy Policy sets out the manner in which Bravo Fit Services Pty Ltd ACN 634286712 and its related bodies corporate (referred to as “Bravo Fit” or “we, “us” or “our”) collect, secure, store, use and disclose your personal information. Bravo Fit is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles set out in that Act. Before providing Bravo Fit with any personal information, please read this Privacy Policy carefully. In providing Bravo Fit with any personal information, you consent to its collection, use, storage and disclosure in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Personal information collected
The personal information collected and maintained by Bravo Fit generally comprises:
•our customers’ names and contact details;
•our customers’ dates of birth;
•our customers’ credit or bank card details and/or bank account details;
•payment information for our products and services;
•names and addresses of directors, proprietors and any personal guarantors;
•names and contact details for trade referees;
•our current and past employees’ names, contact details, employment and educational history and employee records required to be kept by law;
•our customers’ feedback and enquiries;
•details of any complaints;
•details of any incidents and incident reports; and
•photo images of identifiable people, including children, for example, of our customers which were publicly posted by people on their Instagram, Facebook or other social media accounts and shared with public at large which images usually refer to Bravo Fit products, activities or venues (refer to “Dealing with Bravo Fit Online” section below, in particular to “User Generated Content”).
Purposes of collection of personal information
We collect and hold this personal information for the following purposes:
•supplying our products or providing our services in connection with Bravo Fit’s business activities;
•establishing and maintaining relationships with customers and potential customers;
•marketing our products and services to customers and potential customers;
•maintaining our customers’ contact details for conduct of Bravo Fit’s business activities;
•receiving payments for the supply of our products and services;
•maintaining our employees’ records;
•considering and dealing with our customers’ enquiries and collecting feedback;
•improving our products and services to our customers and our web site(s);
•handling complaints; and
•preventing, managing and responding to any incidents.
Ancillary to our primary business activities, Bravo Fit also collects, holds and maintains personal information from:
•our suppliers, contractors or agents, such as their names, addresses, other contact details and insurance details for the purpose of managing our relationships with them; and
•our potential employees, such as their resumes and contact details as part of our recruitment process.
How personal information is collected
Bravo Fit generally collects personal information when you:
- •communicate with us by telephone, email, text message, facsimile transmission or post;
- •communicate with us via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram or other social media platforms;
- •communicate with us via our website, including by accessing our website or by completing and providing to us any form available on our website or submitting any request or enquiry via our website;
- •participate in User Generated Content of our website;
- •meet with our representatives in person; or
- •complete and submit to us any form necessary for us to provide to you our products and services or information about our products or services.
Occasionally Bravo Fit may also receive personal information about an individual from sources other than that individual, for example from a referee for a job candidate or from a credit reporting agency.
Sensitive Information
Bravo Fit does not collect sensitive information unless permitted, required or authorised by an Australian law, or you consent to collection of such information. Sensitive information includes information about an individual’s:
•race or ethnicity;
•political opinions and memberships or religious beliefs;
•sexual orientation or practices;
•criminal record;
•membership of professional or trade associations or unions; and
•health information.
Storage and management of personal information
Bravo Fit has internal controls which guide who within Bravo Fit has access to and the ability to modify personal information. These controls are audited on an annual basis.
Personal information is stored in hard copy onsite and in electronic form onsite and offsite. Hard copy documents are a necessary means of collecting information from some of our customers.
Documents which contain personal information are only assessable by appropriate staff members and are routinely securely destroyed when no longer needed.
All information and communication technology holds the necessary up to date security and virus protection, SSL certification and all other relevant protections to ensure data security. We will not be liable for any loss of data or data breach in the circumstances where we followed necessary security measures and/or took reasonable steps to prevent any likely risk of serious harm to you due to any loss of data or data breach.
Offsite storage of data includes both local and overseas data warehouses. Bravo Fit may disclose personal information to those overseas service centres for data storage and processing of transactions.
Bravo Fit will take such steps as are reasonable to ensure that overseas recipients of an individual’s personal information comply with the Australian Privacy Principles in relation to that information. Individuals should be aware that the overseas recipient may be subject to a foreign law that could compel the disclosure of personal information to a third party, such as an overseas authority.
Where personal information we collect is no longer required, we securely delete such personal information or permanently de-identify it.
Use and disclosure of personal information
We use and disclose your personal information for the legitimate business purposes for which it was disclosed to us at the time of collection. Your personal information may be used for related purposes that you would reasonably expect without the need to obtain your prior permission.
We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information. We may, however, share your personal information within our organisation, with our related bodies corporate and with our service providers, for use for the same purpose for which your personal information was provided to us. In some cases it will be necessary to pass certain personal information to our professional advisors or other third parties in order to comply with reporting and statutory obligations. This may include our employees, agents, contractors, auditors, insurers and tax, financial and legal advisors.
We may also disclose your personal information to service providers and contractors who provide services to us in connection with provision of our products and services to you.
While personal information may be provided to these service providers and contractors to enable them to perform agreed tasks, we will generally require such parties to protect your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles.
We will not otherwise use or disclose your personal information unless the use or disclosure is authorised under or not prohibited by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and/or the Australian Privacy Principles.
Dealing with Bravo Fit online
If you visit Bravo Fit’s website to browse, read or download information, register as a member or purchase our goods or services, our system will log your movements. We use these website logs to assist us in providing and marketing relevant products or services to you and in the other ways described in this Policy.
Some of the websites operated by us contain links to third party websites, such as advertisers, sponsors and other companies with whom we have relationships. Although a web site may be linked to a website operated by us, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of the linked third party’s website. Any concern that you have with respect to the privacy policies of a linked third party’s website should be directed to the operator of that website.
In addition, from time to time we may have relationships with other companies that we allow to place advertisements on web pages that we operate. As a result, when you visit a website operated by us, server companies may collect information such as your domain type, IP address and click stream information. It is our understanding that generally it is not likely that your personal information is easily identifiable from such collected information.
Our website may contain User Generated Content (“UGC”), which is links to information (including photos usually referring to Bravo Fit products, services or activities) you or other people upload to their accounts in social media and make available to the general public. Information which is disclosed by way of UGC may be displayed by Bravo Fit on our website for promoting and improving our products and services to our customers. Such UGC may contain personal information including photo images of identifiable people. However, as a user of social media (e.g. Instagram or Facebook) has already made such information publicly available on their social media account Bravo Fit cannot be responsible for any alleged breach of privacy. Bravo Fit is not responsible for any privacy policies of Instagram, Facebook or other social media entities. Any enquiry or concern you may have with respect to privacy of Instagram, Facebook or other social media should be directed to them.
Direct Marketing
From time to time we may use your personal information to provide you with information about our products or services. By providing Bravo Fit with information or seeking its products or services or accessing its website, you consent to receiving direct marketing in connection with Bravo Fit’s products or services. If any phone number(s) you have provided to us is registered on the Do Not Call register, you consent to Bravo Fit or its
direct marketing providers calling that number(s). Bravo Fit may continue to contact you for an indefinite period until you advise us otherwise.
Opting out of Direct Marketing
You may opt out of receiving direct marketing at any time and request to be removed from our database by any of the means set out at the end of this Privacy Policy. You may also opt out of any marketing emails by following the ‘unsubscribe’ function found at the foot of such emails.
If you do not wish to receive marketing material, please note that Bravo Fit will still contact you in relation to the ongoing relationship and the products or services we provide to you.
A cookie is a small data file that contains information about your visit to our website. Your computer provides this information during your first visit to our web server. The server records this information in a text file and stores this file on your hard drive. When you visit our website again, the server looks for the cookie and structures itself based on the information provided.
Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. We use cookies to help us improve our service to visitors to our website and to ensure that our website is easy to navigate and useful. If you do not wish cookies to be used, you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to warn you before accepting cookies. If you have set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, you will receive the warning message with each cookie.
Access to your personal information
You have a right to request access to your personal information and request its correction. Upon your request to us, and to the extent permitted by law or as required by the Australian Privacy Principles, we will provide to you details of any personal information disclosed to us and/or cease to make use of your personal information for the purposes described above. If we are not able to give you the access you requested, we will notify you and provide you with the reasons for our inability to give you that access.
Please contact Bravo Fit’s Company Secretary if you require access to your personal information.
Accuracy of your personal information
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Please contact Bravo Fit’s Company Secretary if any of the details you have provided change or if you believe the information we have about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.
Privacy complaints
If you have a complaint about privacy, please contact our Company Secretary and let us know nature and details of your complaint in writing and we will promptly acknowledge and investigate your complaint.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may make changes to this Policy from time to time for any reason. We will publish those changes or an updated Privacy Policy on our website.
Contact Us
If you would like further information regarding this Policy or wish to contact us, please do so via any of the following means:
Address: Suite 5.03, 157 Walker Street North Sydney NSW 2060